Ayurvedic Management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
The prevalence of diabetic neuropathy is rising in the present society. Despite advances in the field of diabetic care, it is the most common chronic complication of diabetes mellitus. Even before the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) symptoms appear in patients with pre-diabetes. A 74-year-old male patient with history of diabetes mellitus presented with DPN symptoms. Numbness and burning sensation are described as the Poorva rupa of Prameha. Acharya Charaka mentioned Daha as the complication of Prameha. Vataraktha and Prameha upadrava treatment were adopted which includes both internal and external therapies. Toronto Clinical Scoring System and diabetic neuropathy symptom score were assessed for outcome. The scores showed good improvement after treatment. The result indicates that Ayurvedic medicines are effective in management of DPN.

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